The Bus To Nowhere


The Bus to Nowhere or The Wondering Bus, is an urban legend form the city of Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania USA. 

A mysterious bus  belonging to Philadelphia’s Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA) system, is said to have no set destination, and drives around the city, picking up people who are at their lowest. When you’re at the point of pure hopelessness, You’ll see the bus approaching. You always need to run for it, Just enough to show that you need to be on it. It will wait for you. When the doors clunk open and you step inside, the driver does not ask where you want to go. You pay the fare if you can, but it’s not required. The bus is deathly quiet. Those already on board the bus are seemingly absorbed in their own inner struggles. Once seated, the journey begins. Those who retained memories of what happened next recalled almost immediately falling into a state of deep reflection and serious soul-searching.

When you get off the bus, you won’t be able to recall the other passengers or how many people were on board. The only thing you’ll remember is staring though your translucent reflection in the window as you go though the city. When you feel the need to get off, you pull the cord. As soon as you step off onto the pavement, the bus pulls away, and you find yourself near to where you need to be. 

It is said that some people have been riding the bus for years on end. The length of the journey depends on how long it takes you to recognize and fix the behaviors that brought you there in the first place. Some say that there’s a bus like that in every city around the world. There are even a few who claim that if you ride the bus long enough, you will one day be dropped off back before your troubles began. 

Accounts of the bus first appeared in 2011, as a work of fiction created by writer and comedian, Nicolas Mirra, He published a short story on his blog with the title “Philly Urban Legend, The Wondering Bus”. It then circulated online and took on a life of it’s own, as dozens of Philadelphians allegedly came forward to say that they had first hand experience of the mysterious bus, and told of positive changes that accrued in their lives following their ride to nowhere. Some people claimed that they had been walking along a darkened street, immersed in self-hatred when the bus first grabbed their attention. Apparently, If your heart is bright and your spirit buoyant, it is unlikely that you’ll ever see The Bus to Nowhere. 

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