This happened to me a couple of years ago when I first moved out of the family home in Yorkshire England. I wanted some independence so I landed a job at an old museum. I was working in the cafe. The pay was good and the job came with accommodation, a nice little studio flat. I was loving it and settling in nicely until one night about 3 weeks into my stay. I was in bed trying to sleep but It was too hot. I decided to sleep topless. I pulled off my T-shirt and threw it on the floor beside the bed. It was immediately flung back at me and landed across my face. I then heard a loud snarly growl. I sprang out of bed and switched every light on. It was then that I happened look at the open window across the room and saw the silhouette of a large black dog with beady red eyes glaring back at me. I then gathered up my things and moved out that night. I haven’t been back there since.